YouTuber Performs Complex Modification Of iPhone 15 Pro, Upgrading Base Storage From 128GB To 512GB – Video – Wccftech

Apple is quite reluctant to upgrade the base storage of the iPhone, as it wants users to spend extra. So far, the company has only upgraded the base model of the iPhone 15 Pro Max, which now comes with 256GB of base storage compared to 128GB on the smaller ‘Pro’. As for the standard models, the company would take its sweet time, and the memory sticks would get cheaper before it decides to upgrade. Well, folks over at KingSener have managed to upgrade the storage of the 128GB iPhone 15 Pro to 512GB and detailed the entire process in a video.
Apart from these workarounds, there is no way the average user can upgrade the storage of their iPhone without spending more money. Apple does not offer memory card expansion as well, unlike some Android smartphone manufacturers. In a new video, talented folks at KingSener shared detailed information on how to upgrade the iPhone storage. Take note that this is not a new process at all, as we have previously seen various times how third-party technicians upgrade the iPhone storage.
The difference this time is the calming nature of the video, showcasing the process in extensive detail. The team used the iPhone 15 Pro with 128GB of storage and replaced it with 512GB of memory. There are various complex operations involved, and we would advise users to buy the upgraded storage instead, as one wrong move could brick your iPhone for good. Additionally, the process also requires specialized tools that are not commonly available on the market.
As per the video, the first thing that they did was remove the screen and the motherboard. Once this was done, the 128GB chip was removed and the NAND was cleaned. It also requires precise manual work. Once the board was clear, the 512GB NAND was installed and the motherboard was placed back in. The waterproof adhesive was removed before putting the screen back on, and then once the device was ready and airtight, they performed the DFU.

The process is quite tedious and time-consuming, so we would recommend you leave the iPhone storage upgrade operation to the professionals. KingSener also offers various services, which include battery replacements, but the storage upgrade is only for your viewing pleasure. Possibly, Apple will upgrade the base storage on the iPhone 16 Pro this year as well, but no official details are available.
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