Newspaper headlines: 'Horrifying' dog attack and 'bonkers' week of weather – BBC

The Financial Times says Iran has been using two of the UK's biggest banks to move money around the world and evade sanctions against Tehran.
According to the paper, it has seen documents showing that Lloyds and Santander UK provided accounts to British front companies which were actually owned by a sanctions-hit, Iranian state-controlled firm. The Petrochemical Commercial Company is accused by the US of being part of a network raising hundreds of millions of pounds for Iran's Revolutionary Guards forces. The banks said they could not comment on individual cases but that they complied with sanctions laws.
Several of the papers highlight the fatal dog attack in Essex on Saturday. The Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail and Daily Express all have extensive reports on the case. The Daily Mirror reports that the 11-year-old grandson of the woman mauled to death was present at the incident. He ran terrified from the house in Jaywick as the animals, thought to be banned XL bullys, attacked 68-year-old Esther Martin.
The Times reports that eight out of 10 people favour the creation of "patient passports", which would digitally store their medical records, and which could then be accessed by any health professional treating them. The figures emerged as part of the paper's own year-long survey on the state of the NHS, the Times Health Commission. It was led by a panel of healthcare experts and spoke to more than 600 people including hospital managers, senior doctors and politicians. It made 10 proposals – of which digital passports is one – to improve the health service. Key was the need for technological revolution in the NHS.
The main story in the Daily Telegraph is a report that asylum seekers on the Bibby Stockholm barge are converting to Christianity. A church elder told the BBC's Sunday programme some 40 of the 300 people on board have been attending church, under the supervision of a 'faith leader', but the paper says there are fears it's a ruse to boost their chances of staying in the UK. The Home Office said case workers were trained to be able to establish the credibility of claims about religious beliefs.
The Guardian reports that a Labour government would extend the right to equal pay that currently exists for women – to black, Asian, minority ethnic and workers with disabilities, for the first time. The new law would mean equal pay claims on the basis of ethnicity or disability would be treated in the same way as those made by women, who currently have more stringent protection.
The Times says it has seen new figures showing that hundred of officers have left the Metropolitan Police's firearms unit in less than a year. They are said to be angry about resourcing, disciplinary procedures and, particularly, the decision to charge a colleague with murder over the shooting of Chris Kaba, an unarmed black man, in September 2022.
The Sun says an unnamed Premier League 'star' footballer has become the first player to go to rehab for an addiction to laughing gas. Use of the illegal gas, nitrous oxide, is said to be rife among players.
Daily Express
Daily Mail
Daily Mirror
Daily Star
Daily Telegraph
Financial Times
Morning Star
The i
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