Newspaper headlines: 'Access denied' and new rules to 'slash migration' – BBC

"Access Denied" is the Sun's front page headline, in reference to the government's new plans to reduce migration. Writing for the paper, Rishi Sunak sums up the approach as: "If you can't contribute to the UK, you can't come to the UK." The Daily Express calls the measures sensible and practical. In its editorial, the Times describes them as a sound basis for reducing the number of people coming to the country and a proportionate response.
For the Daily Mail, the proposals are far-reaching but it also has a warning for the government. The fact that the measures will not be introduced until April means "Mr Sunak may find that he has taken what he considers to be radical action only to find an ungrateful public has barely noticed". In her analysis in the Daily Telegraph, Camilla Tominey notes: "It remains to be seen whether the public will view still granting visas to the equivalent of the population of Leeds every year as the largest reduction on record", as the government has claimed. The Daily Mirror is scathing in its assessment calling the plans chaotic and cruel.
In its lead story, the Guardian says the UK's most hazardous nuclear site, Sellafield in Cumbria, has been hacked into by cyber groups linked to Russia and China. It claims the security breach was first detected in 2015, and it is not yet known if the malware has been eradicated. Sellafield has told the paper it has no record of its networks being successfully attacked by state actors.
There is evidence, the Telegraph says, of insider trading that meant people with prior knowledge of the Hamas attack on Israel on 7 October, made tens of millions of pounds. It has spoken to an analyst who detected unusual volumes of short-selling of stocks prior to the attack. The paper claims similar activity was noted in April, when an attack was planned then cancelled at the last minute.
The Times warns that "shrinkflation" is going to be "no cause for celebration" this Christmas. It explains that shoppers expect to spend an average £105 more because boxes of chocolates, tins of biscuits, mince pies and cheeses have risen in price despite actually getting smaller.
City AM compares the Chancellor Jeremy Hunt to Monty Python's Black Knight character – renowned for his sunny optimism in battle even after losing both arms and legs – after his comments, at a Resolution Foundation event, that the UK economy has a "sprained ankle rather than a broken leg". The Sun says Mr Hunt reckons Britain can become the success story of the 21st Century because of its untapped potential.
The Daily Mirror says it can shed light on the lack of screen time for Nigel Farage on I'm A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here. It quotes an ITV insider as saying "the local wildlife is more entertaining than he is" – citing the topics of his two main conversations over the weekend: EU fishing quotas and the House of Lords. On that latter subject, Paul Waugh – writing in the i – suggests it makes sense for Rishi Sunak to make Mr Farage a peer to see off any risk of him re-joining the Tories with a view to becoming leader.
Daily Express
Daily Mail
Daily Mirror
Daily Star
Daily Telegraph
Financial Times
Morning Star
The i
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