7 Effective And Useful Tips To Keep Your Baby's Skin Healthy – MomJunction

Your baby’s delicate skin can be cleaned without irritating it or triggering allergies.
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A baby’s skin is sensitive. Thus, you cannot use the same products for baby skin care that you use for yourself. The products you use for your baby should be chemical-free, gentle on the skin, dermatologically tested and natural.
Babies, especially newborns, are still adjusting to the harsh environment. Therefore, their skin is extra sensitive and easily reacts to even the slightest discomfort. For example, they can develop a rash or breakout from irritants such as soap, shampoos, and diapers. So, extreme care needs to be taken for their skin.
Since their skin is thinner and much more fragile, they are more susceptible to developing allergies within the first few months. Therefore, follow a daily skin care routine keeping their comfort and health in mind (1).
Read on as we tell you about some effective and useful tips on keeping your baby’s skin healthy.
Do you know a human being has the best skin when he or she is a baby? Proper skin care can ensure that your baby can maintain great skin all their life. Here you will learn how to take care of baby skin & we’ve listed some of the best ways to ensure optimum skin health for your precious little one.
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Parents prefer to bathe their child every day. It is better to use shampoo and soaps which do not cause an allergic reaction to the baby. Prefer a soap with pH close to 5-5.5. Wash your baby’s skin with lukewarm water and a gentle soap. The room that you use to dry off your baby should be warm and all air conditioners and fans should be switched off to avoid the chill.
Do not try any new product on your baby’s skin. Do not use any antibacterial soaps as they may be too harsh for the sensitive skin of the baby. It is best to wipe the baby using natural cotton and smooth towels to gently take out the moisture out of the skin there by staying away from unexpected scratches (2).
You need to be even more careful while choosing a talcum powder for your baby. Choose products that are designed specifically for babies and avoid using powders that have fragrances and other chemicals as they may irritate the baby’s sensitive skin.
Stay away from powders that contain grains and choose herbal powders, especially for the diaper area. As a rule, it is best if you avoid powdering the diaper area, as it may lead to future complications or infections.
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The diapers that are used for babies are actually helpful for keeping the baby clean and fresh. However, certain diapers may also irritate the baby’s skin and cause a rash or infections (2). It is best to change the diaper as soon as you find your baby has ‘used’ it.
If you find that skin is irritated at the diaper area, choose another variety or brand. Remember to change your baby’s diaper as soon as he dirties it, because letting it stay for too long can cause infections​​ (2).
While most newborns are prone to rashes, you need to take certain preventive measures and avoid them in the first place. Here are some guidelines you should follow for your newborn baby skin care.

Diaper rashes often occur due to skin irritation due to wet diapers left on for too long, too-tight diapers or due to the use of a specific soap, wipes or a diaper (3).

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Generally, lots of babies have birthmarks (areas of skin have a slight discoloration) and this condition is not hereditary. Parents need not worry about birthmarks, as they cause absolutely no harm to the baby and need no treatment.
If your baby has dry skin, use a natural moisturizer to keep the skin hydrated, soft and supple. Pure coconut oil is a favorite (5).
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The newborn baby skin is very delicate and so is their immune system.
1. How can I improve my baby’s skin color?
Genes determine how melanin is distributed through the skin. Exposure to the sun also determines a baby’s skin color. Therefore, there isn’t much you can do to change your baby’s skin color (7).
2. Do babies need skin care?
Yes, a baby’s skin needs care. It is advisable to use products specifically designed for babies since they are mild and well-suited for a baby’s delicate skin (8).
3. What are some natural and organic alternatives to traditional baby skincare products, and are they effective?
Coconut and olive oil have been shown to be beneficial in healing a baby’s skin barrier and making their skin more permeable. On the other hand, mothers choose sunflower oil to massage their babies because of its healing and antibacterial properties (10).
4. What are some of the most effective home remedies for treating common skin issues in babies, such as eczema and cradle cap?
An oatmeal bath can be a safe option for babies to treat eczema effectively. Colloidal oatmeal can be bought from the store, which, when soaked in a bathtub, is known to help relieve itchiness and dryness on the skin (11). On the other hand, to treat cradle caps, applying a small amount of mineral oil or petroleum jelly on the scalp may be effective. It might loosen the scales on the scalp, which can then be removed using a soft brush (12).
The baby’s skin tends to develop rashes and allergies because of its sensitive nature. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to baby skin care to protect their skin. You can take good care of your baby’s skin by bathing them regularly with gentle soap, changing nappies and diapers often, applying mild moisturizers, using organic products, etc. Providing optimum skin care from early childhood ensures babies have problem-free skin as they grow.
Baby’s skin is softer and more sensitive than children’s and adults’ skin. Therefore, you must incorporate changes in the skincare routine to keep the baby’s skin healthy. Learn about essential skincare-related aspects for your baby in the following infographic.
Illustration: Momjunction Design Team
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Refer to the following video for detaila on how to take care of your newborn’s sensitive skin and the do’s and dont’s of the same.

It is quite uncomfortable to suffer from sinusitis; a prompt diagnosis can help.
Recognize the signs of torticollis, such as a lump on the neck, for effective treatment.
Check with your baby’s doctor before using this oil to ensure safety.
The eye condition mostly resolves on its own, but home remedies and medications may help.
Swing is not a safe sleeping place since it may suffocate the baby.
Recognizing the warning signs can help your child obtain early medical attention.
Maintaining a safe room temperature can help prevent overheating and SIDS.
A way to help your baby cope with appetite loss and ensure they get adequate nutrition.
AC is safe for babies when used in moderation by maintaining optimal temperatures.
You may shower with your baby, but be cautious or take a partner’s support for their safety.
Identifying the signals to stop feeding and maintaining a schedule may prevent this issue.
This scan is usually done in the early weeks of gestation to analyze any abnormalities.
The right stretches could help relieve even the most bothersome tail bone pain during pregnancy.
When used at a controlled temperature, electric blankets can be safe.
Traveling in mid-pregnancy may be safe but talk to your doctor if you have complications.
Make a checklist of dos and don’ts to ensure safety when traveling when expecting.
The drug’s safety is not fully known, so have it only if prescribed by your doctor.
Little is known about the drug’s safety, and it must be administered only as per a doctor’s prescription.
Have the drug only when prescribed, and discuss the precautions in detail with your doctor.
Treatment such as phototherapy may slow the progression, but the cure is unlikely.
The presence of blood in the feces can be either due to infections or allergies.
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