The Future of Digital Marketing: Trends to Watch Out For – VISTA.Today

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Predicting the future may be impossible, but we can always try to uncover what’s next in digital marketing and the trends that will reshape the industry by staying on top of new technology. As tech continues to evolve, so do all the ways brands connect with their audiences. Here, we will delve into six key trends that will define the landscape of digital marketing in the coming years.
The buzz around AI (artificial intelligence) is truly captivating, with new innovative software solutions emerging every day. One prominent frontrunner in the field is ChatGPT, a chatbot designed by OpenAI, that is a boundless source of inspiration. ChatGPT is a remarkable tool that can generate fresh ideas and breathe new life into copy that has gone stale. Interested in how it works? Check out this example:
When it comes to AI tools focused on crafting captivating copy, the market offers a diverse selection like Google BARD,, and HubSpot’s Content Assistant, to name a few. However, there’s one standout that truly ignites our creative fire — Adobe Firefly. With its extension of the Adobe Creative Suite, this AI tool can generate custom photos, graphics and even fine art of any style or medium. For marketers seeking an edge, the advantages of using this to create on-brand images is undeniable. By moving away from generic stock photos that anyone can access, they can establish a unique identity and connect with their audience on a deeper level. By utilizing features like “text to image,” you can create the perfect image for your creative.
Voice search is revolutionizing the way users interact with technology. First, we met Siri and Alexa, two very well-known and well-received names within the technology world. Both are able to answer any and all questions, complete tasks, and assist you through voice-activated commands. It has become easier than ever to perform searches and complete tasks through smartphones, speakers, and home assistants. It is by utilizing these preferences that digital marketers are able to tailor their SEO strategies. By understanding the conversational nature of voice searches, brands can create content that directly addresses user needs, which will increase the chance of appearing in voice search results. Most importantly, nobody will ever forget to turn off the lights or pick up dinner thanks to Siri and Alexa.
VR (virtual reality) can be great for companies to use for virtual product demonstrations which can allow their customers to engage with their offerings in a tangible and interactive way. Think about the virtual try on feature for online jewelers: This is an ideal way companies can allow customers to try on products from wherever they are.
In the future, we could see an increase in VR-powered events, which would allow brands to connect with their audience across the globe in an easier and more cost effective manner. As this technology continues to advance, it will be utilized in the world of digital marketing.
The art of making people feel special lies at the core of successful marketing. A skilled marketer understands the art of communication, ensuring that each individual in the audience feels like the message is crafted exclusively for them. Eighty percent of consumers are more likely to purchase from brands who deliver personalized messages.
Every ad you see on social media is personalized to your preferences and search history. If you’re interested in booking a trip to California, you’ll soon be seeing ads for travel — that’s personalization that you may not have realized. There’s also personalization that is more direct, such as wishing your customer a happy birthday with an offer or including their name in the subject line. A personalized subject line can increase your email’s performance by 50 percent! If possible, make your marketing feel personal and it will pay off.
Interactive content simply means content that actively engages the audience and requires their participation, rather than simply presenting information. This is extremely important in regards to social media marketing because social media should be social. This type of content prompts users to engage with  content by interacting, responding, or making choices. A poll, survey, or quiz are easy and fun ways to include interactive content in any digital marketing strategy. The best part? Interactive content helps build engagement which will also help beat the ever-changing social media algorithms!
Following trends can be an exciting and playful approach for marketers to create engaging content, but only if it stays relevant! As a brand, staying attuned to the latest viral challenges, dances, sounds, and more can be a total game changer in your content creation. If a particular trend resonates with your business, seize the opportunity and jump on board!
By incorporating these trends into their content, businesses can increase their visibility and reach a broader audience. Viral trends are shown on people’s For You Pages and therefore receive more views than typical content. However, not every trend is for everyone. If a trend doesn’t easily align with your brand’s tone or values, let it pass you by! Otherwise, your audience will realize it isn’t authentic and scroll right past it.
Are you worried that your digital marketing is going to get left behind? With the industry changing every single day, it can be difficult and time-consuming to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and algorithms. To ensure your marketing strategy is ready to adapt with the future, you should consider working with a full-service marketing agency. At Elysium Marketing Group, we are staffed with industry experts who have the time and passion to learn the latest with digital marketing and are ready to create a marketing strategy to generate a positive ROI for your business. Contact Elysium Marketing Group today to receive a free consultation!
Lexie Doran is the Director of Marketing Operations at Elysium Marketing Group, an award-winning digital marketing agency based in Ambler. She specializes in food and franchise marketing. To contact her, e-mail

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