GM to include EV batteries in UAW agreement – Energy News Network

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Energy News Network
Covering the transition to a clean energy economy
ELECTRIC VEHICLES: General Motors agrees to include electric vehicle battery manufacturing under its main agreement with the UAW, leading the union to pause expansion of its strike against the Big Three automakers. (The Hill)
EFFICIENCY: Startups are using artificial intelligence to monitor buildings’ energy usage and help make efficiency-boosting decisions. (Canary Media)
POLLUTION: Critics say crypto-mining operations are extending the lives of older, dirtier power plants in rural areas and failing to deliver jobs or economic development benefits promised in exchange for cheap power and tax breaks. (Daily Yonder)
OIL & GAS: California Gov. Gavin Newsom signs a bill requiring oil and gas companies to put up the full cost of plugging and reclaiming low-producing wells before they are transferred to new owners. (Daily Kos)
CLEAN ENERGY: A Cleveland green bank is leading a coalition of about 20 counties in seven states seeking $250 million in federal funding to help low-income households access solar power. (Energy News Network)
TRANSIT: Rhode Island’s transportation department releases a highly anticipated carbon reduction plan and opens up a public comment period less than two weeks before officials are required to file the document with a federal agency. (Rhode Island Current)
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Kathryn brings her extensive editorial background to the Energy News Network team, where she oversees the early-morning production of ENN’s five email digest newsletters as well as distribution of ENN’s original journalism with other media outlets. From documenting chronic illness’ effect on college students to following the inner workings of Congress, Kathryn has built a broad experience in her more than five years working at major publications including The Week Magazine. Kathryn holds a Bachelor of Science in magazine journalism and information management and technology from Syracuse University.

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