Newspaper headlines: 'PM eyes motorists' vote' and 'Coach crash tragedy' –

The Daily Telegraph reports that Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has been seeking a meeting with Home Secretary Suella Braverman to raise concerns about her rhetoric on immigration.
But he is said to have been "rebuffed" in what the paper calls an "apparent snub". The details are from parliamentary magazine The House which has carried out an investigation into relations between the Conservatives and the Church of England.
A source tells the Telegraph there is "shock" in Lambeth Palace about the home secretary's reported refusal to meet, which they describe as "a big slap in the face". Government sources say there had been one informal approach to seek a meeting.
The Guardian reports that almost £600m of public money has already been spent buying up land and homes in northern England to make way for the HS2 rail line, in spite of the uncertainty surrounding the future of the Birmingham to Manchester section.
The paper says more than £150m has gone towards buying property on the eastern leg to Leeds, which was paused nearly two years ago. One local mayor in south Yorkshire tells the paper the purchases have caused huge uncertainty.
The Daily Mail leads on a poll it has commissioned, the results of which – according to the paper = show Rishi Sunak has a path to victory at the next general election, citing support support for the PM's green agenda, his Rwanda migrant policy and that the respondents also want tax cuts and inheritance tax to be abolished.
The paper says these policies create "clear blue water" with Labour, suggesting the election's a long way from a foregone conclusion. A thousand people took part in the poll, which was carried out in the last two days.
In his interview with the Times, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt says he wants to tackle what the paper calls the spiralling cost of public services.
All departments will apparently be told to identify savings by reducing the number of routine tasks carried out by staff such as doctors and police officers. One example given by Mr Hunt is that teachers could use artificial intelligence to mark papers.
And with the Conservative conference starting tomorrow, Transport Secretary Mark Harper tells the Daily Express he's going to halt what the paper terms "the anti-car campaign of the metropolitan elite".
The front page of the Daily Mirror shows the school bus that overturned on the M53 yesterday, along with a picture of the teenager who died in the crash, Jessica Baker.
The paper describes a horrific scene, with children jumping out of smashed windows in the immediate aftermath. One woman tells the Mirror her daughter was on another bus "by sheer luck" and will be getting "one hell of a hug when she gets home".
The Guardian carries an ultimatum that has been made by the authorities in Paris: that a "bedbug crisis" in France must be tackled before next year's Olympics. The paper says a wave of panic and disgust has spread across the country, with travellers sharing photos of the creatures on high speed rail lines, the Paris Metro and Charles de Gaulle airport.
They had disappeared from daily life in the 1950s, the Guardian explains, but are returning, with increased resistance to chemical treatments. There is a plea for a national taskforce, with one Paris politician warning "no-one is safe".
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