Newspaper headlines: Stranded travellers 'out of pocket' and Ulez revolt – BBC

The word "chaos" is on a number of front pages, describing flight delays and cancellations caused by the air traffic control failure on Monday. The i says some airlines have been accused of abandoning stranded passengers. According to the Sun, about 200,000 people have been told their first available flight back to Britain might be at the end of next week.
The Daily Mirror reports that many people stuck overseas are paying for hotels and new flights themselves, leaving them heavily out of pocket. The Daily Mail says those affected will not be entitled to compensation because the disruption has been caused by "extraordinary circumstances". The Daily Express is one of several papers to suggest a French airline was to blame for filing the flight plan which forced the system offline.
In an interview with the Financial Times, Foreign Secretary James Cleverly defends his decision to visit Beijing. He says not to engage with China would be a sign of weakness, not strength, adding that he would not be able to raise concerns about human rights violations, Hong Kong or Beijing's sanctions against some British MPs, unless he spoke to the Chinese government.
The Daily Telegraph says some members of the Cabinet are against the visit, and a senior Whitehall figure has accused Mr Cleverly of "sucking up" to the Chinese. One of the MPs sanctioned by China, Sir Iain Duncan Smith, tells the paper the current British position on China "smells terribly of appeasement" and it looks like "we want more business, therefore we don't want to upset the Chinese too much".
The Times says its survey of 1,200 serving priests has found that 75% of them believe Britain can no longer be described as a Christian country. Some 53% said they wanted the church to start marrying gay couples, with 37% opposing it, and 63% want the church to drop its opposition to pre-marital sex. In an editorial, the paper says that if it wants to avoid irrelevance, the church would be wise to embrace the liberal instincts of its clergy and the country.
A report in the Mirror says the King has overruled the Price of Wales and ordered senior royals to welcome the disgraced Duke of York back into the family fold. The paper says it has been told that the King feels he has a lot on his tray and that he wants to draw a line under this issue. In an editorial, the paper warns the King that he will undermine both himself and the monarchy if he rehabilitates his brother.
And finally a number of the papers feature pictures of the England football captain, Harry Kane, in traditional Bavarian lederhosen after his move to Bayern Munich. "Harry is the hosen one," says the Sun.
Daily Express
Daily Mail
Daily Mirror
Daily Star
Daily Telegraph
Financial Times
Morning Star
The i
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