Dubai Islamic Bank Introduces a 'new era of Banking' With Updated … – The Fintech Times

Dubai Islamic Bank revealed that alt is not a product or service in its own right – instead, the bank is launching a full-service transformative digital banking experience. The development aims to enhance the banking experience for DIB’s customers by providing them access to a range of digital services and products with greater ease.
The digital banking solution integrates DIB’s existing digital offerings and capabilities into one platform, providing customers with a seamless and hassle-free banking experience. The platform brings together more than 135 digital services via the DIB mobile app, online banking, WhatsApp, and ATMs.
Overall, DIB alt is looking to simplify banking processes and enhance convenience for customers across various touchpoints.
Dr Adnan Chilwan, group chief executive officer of DIB, also explained the significance of the bank’s latest launch: “To remain digitally intelligent in today’s rapidly evolving world where technology is transforming industries and customer expectations are on the rise, a similar revolution is needed in the financial ecosystem to stay relevant.
“That is where DIB alt comes in – a simplified banking experience consolidating all digital capabilities of DIB under one umbrella brand. So, what does that mean for our customers? Going forward, all digitally enabled channels products and digitally fulfilled services will fall within DIB alt.
“DIB alt embodies a transformative leap towards digitalisation, strongly supported by our customer-centric approach whilst aligning with the UAE’s vision for an advanced digital landscape. With DIB alt, we introduce a new era of banking that prioritises the needs of our customers.
“The end goal is to power our digital ambitions and position Dubai Islamic Bank as a formidable disruptor in the larger digital banking and financial landscape. DIB alt is also effectively an alternate way of banking and I am confident that it will be a game-changer for the industry”.

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