Data-driven digital marketing – decoding metrics for success – Republic World

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In today’s digital world, harnessing the power of data has become crucial for the success of any business. Data-driven marketing helps in customer segmentation, understanding customer behaviour, enhanced customer experience and ROI. Adopting data-driven marketing can ensure sustainable growth for any company.

EZ Rankings is a premium digital marketing strategy company focused on the need for data-driven digital marketing for businesses seeking to expand their marketing efforts in today’s digital marketing age. It believes that ‘digital is all about personalisation at scale’ and data-driven digital marketing is key to achieving this.
There are some metrics to measure the data-driven marketing strategy. The first important metric is related to the website. Data on the total number of visitors to the website, the number of times a particular page was viewed, and the count of distinct individuals visiting the site – all these will give an idea of website-related data for digital marketing.
Similarly, there are metrics related to conversions and actions taken. Data on conversion rate will give an idea about the percentage of visitors who complete a desired action. Also, data on Cost Per Conversion (CPC) will give an idea of the average cost of acquiring a conversion. The ratio of net profit to the cost of the campaign will give Return on Investment (ROI) related data.
Data on the percentage of visitors who leave without interaction, average time visitors spend on a page and percentage of clicks per impression in ads will give many insights about business and campaign. Interaction percentage on social media posts, the number of times content is shared across social platforms, and the increase in the number of social media followers give many inputs on social media strategy.
Managing Director at EZ Rankings, Mansi Rana, said, “We are using tools like Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, Email Marketing Analytics, etc. for tracking and analysing digital marketing metrics. We have been able to generate thousands of leads for different clients by using these metrics. Our social media strategy has also seen great success.”
She added that, “With the use of these metrics we can also enable personalised marketing experiences and hyper-targeting. However, it is important to focus on relevant data and avoid information overload. Data-driven digital marketing allows businesses to stay ahead of the future and so it is imperative these days for any business to do data-driven digital marketing.”


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