Asylum seekers and refugees may have to share rooms – BBC

Asylum seekers and refugees could have to share rooms in Aberdeen hotels.
A report said the number of people arriving will keep rising until all hotels which provide such accommodation are full.
Aberdeen Health and Social Care Partnership said there were 503 refugees and asylum seekers locally.
The Home Office has said that to reduce hotel use, asylum seekers may "routinely share rooms with at least one person where appropriate".
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said earlier this year that room sharing would increase capacity and drive down costs.
But the proposal is controversial, with the Scottish government raising concerns about the plans.
Perth and North Perthshire MP Pete Wishart has said no refugee should be forced to share a room in a hotel against their will.
Aberdeen Health and Social Care Partnership said the Home Office was conducting an ongoing discussion on room sharing.
Aberdeen's Integration Joint Board discussed the potential doubling up of refugees and asylum seekers in hotel rooms in a meeting on Tuesday.
Lib Dem councillor Martin Greig raised the issue, asking if the scheme would provide an appropriate level of care.
In response, council officers said they had had no answer on how the scheme would work in practice in the city.
The Scottish government said room sharing would add risk and stress for people at an already turbulent time.
The SNP's Mr Wishart visited two hotels housing asylum seekers in his Perth and North Perthshire constituency last week and said there was insufficient space.
He said: "What was abundantly clear was that the size of the accommodation is insufficient and that other solutions would be required.
"Any increase in numbers has to take into account these people's vulnerable circumstances, with no-one forced to share against their will."
The Home Office said: "Despite the number of people arriving in the UK reaching record levels, we continue to provide accommodation for asylum seekers who would otherwise be destitute to meet our legal obligation.
"To reduce hotel use, asylum seekers will routinely share rooms with at least one person where appropriate.
"This will minimise the impact on communities while we stand up alternative sites."
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