iPhone 13 Pro Max PTA Tax Pakistan 2023 – Pakistan Observer

Home Pakistan iPhone 13 Pro Max PTA Tax Pakistan 2023
Tech giant Apple cemented itself as producer of finest smartphones, and being a premium brand with a focus on design, quality, and user experience, its mobile phone prices are justify higher than other devices.
Apple devices remain a popular choice for the majority of people across the world. From its sleek design to top-notch performance, Apple iPhones are way ahead of Android devices, despite the fact that these devices are expensive. Iphone’s storage, processor, and display remain its unique selling point while its high-end hardware makes it stand among the top devices.
In Pakistan, Android remains the most popular smartphone but the demand for the iPhone continues to surge with each passing day.
With soaring demand, iPhone prices are flying off the shelves, and even older generation models including iPhone 13, are now popular among those who could not be able to get their hands on new devices.
From digital creators to salaried-class people, iPhone devices are becoming the new norm and amid a huge influx of Apple phones, it impacted the price, as several phones, especially high-end devices attracted huge taxes. government imposed Customs Duty, Regulatory Duty, Sales Tax, and Federal Excise Duty on iPhones and other high-end devices.
As of mid-2023, Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max costs Rs373,999
iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Pro Max PTA Taxes Pakistan

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