Emory School of Nursing, partners call for updated heat protections … – Emory News Center

By Melanie Kieve Aug. 28, 2023
A group of organizations, including the Emory University Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing, has released a joint brief titled, “Heat is Here, Let’s Protect Workers,” on the prevention of heat-related illness, injury and death among workers in the construction and agriculture industries in the United States.
In addition to the School of Nursing, the La Isla Network, Migrant Clinicians Network, and the National Center for Farmworker Health call on a multistakeholder coalition — composed of policymakers, researchers, doctors, businesses, workers, and concerned individuals — to address concerns about heat, labor and health.
Information from the brief includes the following:
To read the full brief, click here.

As one of the nation’s top nursing schools, the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing at Emory University is committed to educating visionary nurse leaders and scholars. Home to the No. 1 master’s, No. 2 BSN, and No. 6 DNP programs nationwide, the school has been recognized as a Center of Excellence in Nursing Education by the National League of Nursing. The school offers undergraduate, master’s, doctoral and non-degree programs, bringing together cutting-edge resources, distinguished faculty, top clinical experiences, and access to leading health care partners to shape the future of nursing and impact the world’s health and well-being. Learn more at nursing.emory.edu.
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