The Playbox – UNICEF

Did you know? Playing together makes families happier, closer and less stressed.
A Harvard professor's tips on how to boost your baby's brain development
It’s not just fun – it’s fundamental to your child’s development
Playful moments are essential for your little one’s emotional well-being
Discover why play is so important for babies' development
Learn how playing independently can benefit your child’s development
Inclusive play for all children
Watch seven-year-old Molly’s talk on how to help your child thrive by five
The LEGO Foundation is helping families find moments of play in the every day. Join in the fun!
Did you know? Just 15 minutes of play with your baby can spark millions of brain connections.
Turn everyday routines into fun playful moments for learning and brain development
Eat, play, love: Playful ways to help build your child’s brain
Enjoy playful moments with your child and expand their world even while indoors
7 toys for babies and toddlers you can make at home
Play and learn together at home
Fun at-home moments for learning
Eat, play, love: How to help build your child’s brain
Eat, play, love: Loving ways to help build your child’s brain
Show what you know.
Show what you know.
Explore fun learning-through-play activities from our friends at The LEGO Foundation.
8 playful ways to ease the transition
Playful ways to learn are everywhere
What you need to know about raising a reader
Do you speak baby talk? Find out why it's the most important language in the world


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